Monday, August 4, 2008

How can u get rid of acne and yahoo answers dry up acne fast

The theory on why it supposedly works it that by eating nothing but apples for 3 days your body flushes out build up of toxins for the colon, and with these toxins gone, so goes your acne...
Most people call these Acne comedones pimples. Small comedones, microcomedones also know as papules, form from contained cellular reactions that cause acne. They mostly occur in clusters too small to be seen by un aided eye. Pustules, nodules and cysts can form in stern form of acne. A pustule is a comedone full of pus or dead cells making it larger in size. Nodules are relatively hard, roughly spherical and more severe form of papules that extend in to the tissues forming a lump under the skin. It pains much when it is touched. Cysts emerge from pustules or the nodule but are fluid filled.
Many people do not realize all of the health benefits that Aloe Vera has to offer. Long ago, it was believed that the plant was best used for Burns, but now it is used for many different health issues. The clear gel that comes from the Aloe Vera plant is a very effective natural cure for acne.
tags: reduce acne scars at home, lemon oil for use with hormonal acne, help on getting rid of acne

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